
Find medical care quickly
You pay less for in-network care
Doctors and hospitals on our provider list (in-network) have a special arrangement with Health Advantage. This means you get a discount and pay less for medical services they provide than you would if you visited an out-of-network provider.
Go online anytime!
Arkansas doctors and hospitals
- Visit
- Enter your member ID number OR select your network to start search
- Follow the search instructions to find your care
Doctors and hospitals outside of Arkansas
If you have a suitcase on your member ID card, you can also find and receive certain levels of healthcare benefits when you live or travel across the country. To search for doctors and hospitals outside of Arkansas:
- Visit
- Choose the network based on the suitcase on your member ID card
- BlueCard PPO Basic
- BlueCard PPO/EPO
- BlueCard Traditional
Call 800-843-1329 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday, to speak with a caring professional who can help you find quality medical care nearby.
When to make an appointment
When you're healthy
Seeing doctors when you’re healthy allows them to get to know you and watch for any health issues before they have a chance to become more serious. Once you’ve found a PCP, you can schedule your annual wellness exam right away.
When you're sick
If you’re sick and need medical care, call your PCP right away to schedule an appointment. Catching any problems early on can help you make a full recovery faster. Your doctor knows your health history and how best to treat you; plus, it’s less expensive than going to the emergency room.
When to visit the emergency room
- Suspected heart attack
- Stroke
- Poisoning
- Serious burns
- Severe shortness of breath
- Choking
- Broken Bones
- Anything that could cause long-term damage
Important: Covered services for life-threatening emergencies will be paid whether it’s in network or not, but routine or non-emergency services provided in the ER will not be covered.